Again, this year, USC Arcadia Hospital is offering free flu shots through their parish nurse program. However, the 2024-2025 flu vaccine that the hospital provides is for adults ages 8-64. Sign up after Church or contact the Church Office f…
21st Sunday after Pentecost Prelude: “Thou Whose Purpose is To Kindle” arr. Colvin Scripture Lesson: Matthew 13:31-32 Sermon: “Planting and Forgetting” Rev. Steve Horswill-Johnston, Guest Preacher Music provide…
After Worship on October 6th and Sunday October 13th Our annual Crafters Boutique will feature a variety of handcrafted, one-of- a-kind items, including embroidered, knitted and crocheted items, quilts, woven baskets, table runners,…
Shepherds Fellowship Group will meet for our regular potluck dinner and meeting on October 8th at 6:00pm in Jordan Hall. Our special speaker will be CGS’ own Tom Dukes, a former Major League Pitcher and World Series Winner, Tom will share h…
Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Conversational English Classes have begun! The Beginning English class meets in the Adult Education Center (AEC) every Sunday from 9-10:30am. The Intermediate Class meets every Friday from 9-10:3…
Adult Sunday School Class meets every Sunday at 9:00am-9:45am in the Church Library. All are welcome! Carolyn Iga and Don Thorsen will co-teach the class. Many Christians find large portions of the Old Testament to be enigmatic or u…
Give flowers “in honor of” or “in memory of” loved ones or to celebrate an anniversary, birthday, accomplishment or special event. The cost of the flowers is $65. 2024 Altar Flowers – The new cost for flowers beginning in 2024 is…
Children’s Choir Children currently in elementary school are invited to “make a joyful noise to the Lord.” We meet Sundays in the Music Room (directly behind the Narthex at back of the sanctuary) after Sunday School from approximately 11:15…
All current 6th to 12th graders are invited to join Youth Choir and Youth Group. Youth Choir rehearses from 12:30pm – 2:30pm in the Music Room. No singing or dancing experience is required! Youth Group takes place in the loung…
With summer months upon us, the walking group will start at 9am on Tuesday, with the exception if it’s hot we will be in Jordan Hall. This way we all can stay consistent in moving even when the weather is not working with us. Keep on moving…
Sunday School for preschoolers and elementary grade children will meet in Jordan Hall following the Children’s Time in the Sanctuary. Also, Nursery care is available on Sunday mornings from 9:30-11:30 a.m. All are welcome – p…
Our United Methodist Women’s Crafts Group meet Wednesdays at 1:15-3:00 p.m., in the Church Library. All women are invited and all types of crafts are welcome with the proceeds from items made then sold at UMW Boutiques going toward m…
The Church of the Good Shepherd has a dedicated group of people who pray for members and their friends when a request comes into the church office. If you have a need for prayer for yourself, family or friends, please call the chur…
Foothill Unity Center is still collecting egg cartons and plastic bags. During this PANDEMIC era we have a different location for dropping them off. Whenever you are in the vicinity of the church, they can be placed in the box locat…