Men's Ministry (UMM)
The Men’s Ministry provides a place where men become “brothers in Christ.” As they become friends, followers and fishermen, they become servant leaders in their homes, churches and communities. We equip men of all ages to have significant relationships with one another spanning generations, race, social class, and other barriers. As we become servant leaders together, the witness of Men is strengthened.
Individual and group strategies which form the foundation of UM Men ministry:
- Advocate programs that train men within the church to promote specific ministries, including prayer, missions, stewardship and Civic/Youth Serving Ministries.
- Forge pastoral partnerships by men committed to the effective support and service of the clergy and congregation.
- Promote men’s ministry strength through effective leadership, resources, membership growth and financial accountability.
- Assist men in their ever-changing relationships, roles and responsibilities in the family, workplace and society.
- Understand the organization, doctrines and beliefs of the United Methodist Church.
- Fulfill our membership vows through a commitment to prayer, presence, gifts, service and witness in the life of our community of faith.
- Fulfill the Great Commission with and through the United Methodist Church, as one part of the Body of Christ.
Events – Regularly Scheduled
Men’s Study Group
- The United Methodist Men’s Study Group meets each Thursday from 7:30 to 8:30 Zoom.
- Important: for security reasons, a new Zoom link will be emailed to participants each week.
- The group engages in Bible and book study, lively discussion, fellowship, and spiritual renewal.
Contact: David Steinmeier – or the church office at (626) 447-2181
Women's Ministry (UWFaith
United Women of Faith are a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
We meet on the 1st Thursday of each month, usually at 7:00 pm either at church or via Zoom.
Events – Regularly Scheduled
At Church of the Good Shepherd, the United Methodist women are involved in several mission projects throughout the year. They also are involved in the following active groups on a weekly and monthly basis:
Women’s Book Study
This group meets on Wednesdays in the Library at 11:30 a.m. Through discussion of a series of books throughout the year, we gather, we share and openly discuss as a group. Our faith, our lives, our experiences, our feelings, our questions, and concerns are explored as we grow spiritually through reading, discussing and sharing.
Sarah Circle
Sarah Circle is an evening circle with approximately thirty members. We meet in the Fellowship Hall on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Programs are varied and are designed to be informative as well as entertaining.
Crafters Workshop
The Crafters group meet most Wednesdays from 1:30-3:30 p.m. in the Church Library (except not on the first week of each month). All women are invited, and all types of crafts are welcome. The proceeds from items made then sold at United Methodist Women Boutiques go toward mission projects.
All interested women are invited to participate. Bring your own project to work on or see if there is anything the group has that may interest you. A variety of crafts are being worked on, such as beading (making earrings, necklaces, bracelets, etc.), knitting and crocheting (scarves, potholders, hats for babies, etc.), latch hook, cross stitch, and needle point projects, embroidering tea towels, decorating bags to use as gift bags, and much, much more. All craft projects are welcome!