Church of the Good Shepherd
offers programs for those wishing to improve their English
English Conversation Classes
Our English Conversation Classes for Adults are designed to provide reading and spoken English language practice in friendly small groups for those whose first language is not English. Some of our Classes are currently being held in person and others on-line.
Beginning and Intermediate Conversational English
These classes are designed for individuals wanting to work on increasing vocabulary and developing reading and speaking skills.
The Beginners English Class meets once a week in the AEC Room on the Church Campus on Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:30 a.m. (A Campus Map is on display outside of the Church Office). We use “Side by Side” (2) to study literacy-level English. Instructor: Yuping Zeng
The Intermediate English Class meets online once a week on Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 605 348 4959 – Passcode: b0cmm9
The class is led by Rowena Zeng and Michael Johnson. For more information and to obtain the Zoom link, please contact Rowena at the email address shown below.
For more information contact Rowena Zeng at
Advanced Conversational English Class
This class is designed for individuals who want to increase their fluency with the English language, build vocabulary and work on pronunciation and writing skills.
The class meets meets in-person in the Church Library on Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The class is led by Sandra Jelinek.
For more information and to obtain the Zoom link, contact Sandra Jelinek:
Additional Class Offerings
The English Reading Club meets once a week on Sundays from 2:00-3:00 p.m. In each session we typically read aloud several episodes, then translate and discuss them. All participants in the Club are Chinese. Facilitator: Yuping Zeng
For more information contact Rowena at