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This past summer marked the 30th anniversary of our participation with SSP!  Fortunately, due to COVID-19, 15 Youth and 6 Advisors stayed at home, doing virtual SSP programming, and working at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Arcadia!  Our projects included the painting of the balcony offices in the Sanctuary, gardening around the property, helping with a Girl Scout Silver Award Lending Library, and assisting with Vacation Bible School.


This year, 7 of the 22 were first timers with CGS, and with their participation, the list of Good Shepherd people who have been to S.S.P. has grown to 273. 


Through the years, 266 youth and adults from Good Shepherd have gone on the Sierra Service Project 713 times.  Their combined efforts represent 28,520 hours of service (713 x 40 hours), doing home repair on Native American Reservations and Rancherias in Arizona, California, and Nevada.


In February of 2015, CGS participated in the SSP Weekend of Service for the first time, sending 10 Youth and 5 Adults to work in South Central Los Angeles and returned the following year.  Their efforts represented 408 hours of service (34 x 12 hours)


Between these two service trips, we have provided 28,928 hours of community service!

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