ROI is a fellowship group at Church of the Good Shepherd primarily comprised of those who have young adult children and who may be assisting elderly parents (the “sandwich” generation). However, all are welcome!
At ROI we seek a balance of social activities and service to the church and the community. Our social activities include small group gatherings around meals and fellowship, as well as attendance at public events and venues in the area (e.g., The Arboretum). ROI service activities include helping existing ministries of the Church of the Good Shepherd (Family Promise, Foothill Unity Center) and assistance to other groups whose vision and mission are consistent with values of the United Methodist Church. New ideas for both social and service activities are always welcome so please feel free to share your suggestions with the group.
We meet after church on the second Sunday of every month, and until further notice, will gather in Jordan Hall or on the lawn in front of Jordan Hall. We look forward to seeing you at an ROI gathering!
If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Sharon Van Kirk at