Adult Choir
The Chancel Choir is the featured choir of the church, singing three Sundays a month at the 10:00 worship service. While we call it the “adult” choir, anyone that is high-school age or older is welcome to join us.
We are currently rehearsing on Sunday mornings in the music room at the rear of the main sanctuary. We prepare music for weekly worship services as well as leading the congregation in special events throughout the year such as Christmas Eve, Good Friday, Music Sunday, and special concerts. In addition to our faithful congregation members, we frequently feature our five section leaders as well. The Chancel Choir is directed by Kirk Averitt. (
Adult Bell Choir
The Carillon Ringers are our adult bell choir. Ringers meet every Wednesday evening, September through June, from 6:30-7:30 pm in the bell transept in the sanctuary. The group plays once a month during the regular music season, plus special services including Easter and Christmas Eve. The music selections cover many styles, ranging from hymn arrangements to adaptations of classical and popular pieces and compositions written expressly for bell or chime choir. The Carillon Ringers are directed by Carolyn Noonchester. (
Youth Choir
The Youth Choir is open to young people in 6th to 12th grade.
Weekly rehearsals take place in the music room at the rear of the main sanctuary from 4:30-6:00 p.m. on Sundays and sing once a month during the musical season. Many styles of music are prepared and learned, and their work culminates every June in a performance of an original musical production with is written, choreographed, and staged by their director, Janice Clark. ( )
Youth Bell Choir
The Youth Bells are open to young people in 6th to 12th grade.
Weekly rehearsals take place in the bell transept in the sanctuary, from 11:30 am – 12:15 pm. Many styles of music are represented in our repertoire, which is presented about once a month in the 10:00 Sunday morning service. We rehearse and play for services from September to June. No musical experience is necessary, but regular attendance is expected. The Youth Bells are directed by Carolyn Noonchester.
Children’s Choir
The Carol Choir is our Children’s Choir. It is open to young people in 2nd to 5th grade.
Weekly rehearsals take place from 11:15-12:00 in the music room at the rear of the main sanctuary. The Carol Choir performs once a month in the 10:00 am service and provides musical leadership in the 5:00 family service on Christmas Eve.
On several special occasions they will also have the opportunity to sing combined with the adult Chancel Choir. Not only do the participants in Carol Choir learn what it takes to be a member of a choir, they also begin learning proper singing techniques and music terminology as they rehearse the music that they perform in their anthems. The Carol Choir is directed by Diane Lucas (

We are blessed at CGS to have beautiful instruments to support our congregation and choirs. In the main sanctuary, we have a 5 manual Rodgers Organ, a Model “D” Steinway from 1930 and a two-manual harpsichord. We have 5 octaves of beautiful handbells and three of chimes.
In the Chapel, we have a 3-manual Rodgers Organ and Model “B” Steinway from 1918. These instruments are also used in concert settings throughout the year and by visiting guest artists.