Children's Ministry
Children’s education takes place during In-Person Worship on Sunday.
Infants, Toddlers and Pre-School
In this classroom, Sunday Schoolers color lesson pages, hear and read Bible stories and have fun playing with toys and playground equipment.
Early Elementary
The early elementary class for kindergarten through 2nd grade is family-friendly and fun! The teachers are kind and caring. Children learn about The Bible in ways that are understandable for younger ages.
Older Elementary
3rd through 5th graders learn about how to find things in The Bible and read stories from it. They do crafts (like playing with clay), play games, cook food, and act out stories from The Bible.
Middle School
6th through 8th graders learn about stories from The Bible and relate lessons to everyday life, learn Manners Moments, and play games like Apples to Apples and Scrabble (Bible versions!).
We also have some family fun activities planned for 2023
- Our annual Easter Egg hunt on Easter Sunday,
- Trunk or Treat in October
- Christmas Eve Family Service presented by the youth and children
- Vacation Bible School in July (sign ups will start in May!)
- And more…
So much to look forward to in 2023 for our children and families!
Youth Ministry
The Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF) is a loving, supportive, and nurturing environment for youth who are in the 6th-12th grades. The youth have been active at this church since 1961! CGS UMYF participates in weekly meetings and activities.
Youth Stats
Through the years, 277 youth and adults from Good Shepherd have gone on the Sierra Service Project 767 times. Their combined efforts represent 30,680 hours of service (767 x 40 hours), doing home repair on Native American Reservations and Rancherias in Arizona, California, and Nevada.
In February of 2015, CGS participated in the SSP Weekend of Service for the first time, sending 10 Youth and 5 Adults to work in South Central Los Angeles and returned the following year. Their efforts represented 408 hours of service (34 x 12 hours).
Between these two service trips, we have provided 31,088 hours of community service!
Youth Activities This Year:
- Helping with Family Promise and the other service opportunities at church.
- Participation in “Operation Christmas Child” which is a service project that sends filled shoeboxes to children in need throughout the world.
- During the year, the Youth Bells, Youth Choir, and UMYF host the Annual SSP Cabaret, lead Youth Services, lead the Easter Sunrise service, and participate in the All-Choir Concert.
- During the summer, the youth help to lead Vacation Bible School, participate in District Summer Camps, and Sierra Service Project.
Times and Locations
- UMYF: Sundays, 9:45AM – 11:00AM (Grades 6th-12th grade)
- Youth Bells: Sundays, 11:15AM – 12:00PM (Grades 6th-12th grade) (Sept. – June)
- Youth Choir: Sundays, 12:30PM – 2:30PM (Grades 6th-12th grade) (Sept. – June)